Orange Crème Caramels

  • PREP TIME 20 mins
  • COOK TIME 40 mins
  • SERVES 6 servings

300ml cream
300ml milk
2 tsp orange zest
3 eggs
3 egg yolks
¾ cup (165g) caster sugar
2 tsp vanilla paste

1 cup caster sugar
¼ cup water


Lightly grease 6 x 250ml ramekins with butter and place in a deep baking dish.

For caramel, place sugar and water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat until sugar begins to melt and caramelise. Swirl pan until all the sugar has melted and is a deep caramel colour. Pour evenly into ramekins, swirling the ramekins to coat the base with caramel.

Heat cream, milk and orange zest in a saucepan over medium heat until 80°C or until almost at scalding point.

Meanwhile, whisk eggs, yolks, caster sugar and vanilla together in a bowl until pale. Slowly add cream mixture until fully combined. Strain through a fine sieve and pour into ramekins.

Place in your Nexus Steam oven for 35 minutes at 100°C, or until set around the edges but still slightly wobbly in the centre.

Cool at room temperature, then transfer to the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours, or overnight.

To serve, place the base of ramekins in a small bowl of boiling water for 2-3 minutes to soften the caramel for unmoulding. Turn out onto plates and serve.

Recipe, Food Styling and Photography by Karen McFarlane,