Dough for Pizza

  • PREP TIME 20 minutes plus proving time
  • COOK TIME 12 minutes
  • SKILL LEVEL Medium
  • 1 tsp dry yeast
  • ½ tsp caster sugar
  • 200ml warm water
  • ½ tsp fine
  • salt 300g Tippo OO flour
  • 1 tbs olive oil

  • Turn on the Proving Drawer (for Falcon range cookers with this feature).
  • Add the yeast and honey to the warm water and whisk to combine. Allow to stand for 5 minutes until the mixture becomes foamy. Add the salt to the flour to the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook and mix to combine then pour in the yeast mixture and mix on low until the dough comes together then slightly increase the speed for about 10 minutes until you have a smooth dough that springs back when you poke it. If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour. Place the oil in a large bowl and coat the dough with the oil. Cover with a damp cloth and place in the proving drawer* for 1 hour until doubled in size. Knock the air out of the dough and cut into 2 equal portions. Roll into balls, cover with the damp cloth again and place back in the proving drawer for another 1 hour.*If you do not have a proving drawer you will need a warm location to prove the dough.

Recipe, Food Styling and Photography by Karen McFarlane,