Coconut and Banana Pie

  • PREP TIME 20 minutes
  • COOK TIME 25 minutes
  • SERVES 6-8 servings
  • SKILL LEVEL Medium
  • 1 cup (95 gm) almond meal
  • 1 cup (100 gm) desiccated coconut
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 100 gm coconut oil, melted
  • 3 bananas, sliced
  • ⅓ cup coconut flakes, to serve

Coconut custard

  • ½ cup milk
  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • ⅓ cup caster sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 tsp vanilla paste
  • 3 tbsp corn flour
  • Date and maple caramel
  • 8 pitted dates, chopped
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup

  • For the custard, combine the milk, coconut milk and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a simmer, remove from heat. In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks, vanilla and corn flour to a smooth paste then slowly pour in hot milk, whisking continuously. Return mixture back to saucepan over medium heat and cook, stirring, until thick. Allow the custard to cool to room temperature then cover surface with plastic wrap and refrigerate until cold.
  • Preheat oven to 160°C Fan oven.
  • In a medium bowl, add the almond meal, desiccated coconut, salt and melted coconut oil and mix well until you have a wet crumb. Press firmly into the base and half way up the sides of a 20cm loose-bottom cake tin to make a crust; bake for 10 minutes until lightly golden, cool then refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  • For the date caramel, places the dates in a jug, cover with ¾ cup of boiling water and allow to stand for 10 minutes to soften. Add the maple syrup and blitz with a stick blender into a smooth sauce.
  • To assemble, whisk the coconut custard with an electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Remove pie crust from tin and transfer to serving plate, pour in coconut custard and spread out into crust, top with sliced bananas and spoon over enough of the date caramel to cover the bananas (leftover date caramel will keep covered in the fridge for 5 days). Top with coconut flakes and serve.



Recipe, Food Styling and Photography by Karen McFarlane,