
  • PREP TIME 20 mins
  • COOK TIME 25 mins
  • SERVES 40 servings

Choux buns
125g unsalted butter, cubed
1 cup water
½ tsp salt
1 tbs caster sugar
1 cup (150g) plain flour
4 eggs

¼ cup (30g) pearl sugar (optional)
400ml cream
2 tbs caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla paste
icing sugar, for dusting
fresh raspberries, to serve


Preheat oven to 180°C Fan.

Place butter, water, salt and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat until it comes to a boil. Add flour and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon over low heat for about 3 minutes until mixture is smooth and comes away from the sides of the pan. Set aside to cool.

Transfer mixture to the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Begin mixing then gradually add eggs, one at a time, until smooth and combined. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a 1.5cm plain nozzle.

Line 2 large baking trays with baking paper. Pipe dough into small 4cm rounds, allowing room to expand. Sprinkle buns with pearl sugar. Bake for 15 minutes until puffed and golden. Reduce oven to 150°C and bake for a further 10 minutes to ensure buns are cooked through without browning further. Turn off the oven and cool with the door ajar for 30 minutes to allow buns to crisp up, then transfer to cooling rack to cool completely.

Whisk cream, sugar and vanilla paste together until soft peaks. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a narrow nozzle. Use the nozzle to pierce the bottom of each choux bun and fill with cream. Dust lightly with icing sugar and pile up on a platter. Serve with fresh raspberries.

Recipe, Food Styling and Photography by Karen McFarlane,