Why Liebherr Refrigerators Have GlassLine Storage Shelves

Like everything with Liebherr, each decision with regards to manufacturing fridge and freezer appliances is made with purpose. From the working mechanics and parts, to the fridge’s internal features and fixtures, finishing with the external materials used and the end product – nothing is left to chance. That’s why when it comes to selecting the type of shelving Liebherr should use in the premium range of fridges and freezers glass was the obvious choice.

There are a number of reasons why Liebherr chose to use glass for shelving:

– Liebherr GlassLine storage shelves are strong! With a weight limit on the refrigerator full glass shelves of 22kg and sectional glass shelves of 11kg respectively, you can stock your fridge shelves and be confident that the shelving will offer the support required.

– Glass is hygienic and easy to clean.

– Unlike wire shelves if you accidentally spill something or there is a leak, the glass shelves may negate or minimise the spill damage, assisted by the shelving trim (ie: minimal or no spread throughout the rest of the fridge depending on the spillage type – liquid vs solids – and of course the spill quantity!).

– Light can be reflected easily through the fridge interior with glass shelving.

– Glass can assist in maintaining the temperature as it absorbs the cool air.

– Liebherr GlassLine shelves with their stainless steel trim gives the interior a fresh and clean design.

– Selected models in the Liebherr range also feature glass shelving underneath the freezer drawers, so that when required for larger items, the drawers can be removed and the GlassLine shelving can be used to store items – Liebherr call this the VarioSpace.

Visit our website to view the complete range of Liebherr fridges and freezers featuring GlassLine shelves.