The Office Fridge – A Treasure Chest Full Of Surprises

Everyone has heard the phrase ‘What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas’ right?  Well, when it comes to the office fridge despite its sole purpose is to keep our food and beverages fresh and cool for consumption, the phrase ‘what goes in the office fridge, stays in the office fridge’ springs to mind!  Despite the fridges power to keep its cool, this appliance can make steam blow out of your ears like a whistling kettle.

The office fridge can become like a treasure chest containing both delectable (mmm… that block of chocolate) and the unrecognisable (what is that growing in the container?) jewels.  So here’s a few tips that will help keep the shared cold storage box in check.

Tip 1: Fridge space is like a parking lot

Bob from Buying brought a salad sandwich in a zip lock bag, while Larry from Logistics has stocked the fridge with enough food to feed an army.  Be like Bob!  Unless you are feeding an army, always ensure you only take what you need so everyone has an opportunity to use the fridge.

Tip 2: The fridge is not a mini laboratory

If you have worked in a laboratory you could probably be forgiven for wanting to leave that mess you made to see how it will morph over the coming days.  However most of us don’t work in a lab, so if you make a mess don’t rely on a colleague to clean it up, just do it yourself immediately.  No one gets upset over spilt milk… just spilt milk that becomes unrecognisable until someone else is brave enough to clean it up.

Tip 3: Self-cleaning fridges have not been invented yet

We have self-cleaning ovens, surely self-cleaning refrigerators can’t be too far away?  While we try to work out those logistics, someone in the office needs to take on the responsibility of cleaning the office fridge.  Why not implement a monthly roster so the duty rotates, ensuring the fridge is always in pristine condition.

Tip 4: So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu

Like I said before, if you worked in a laboratory perhaps that experiment happening in the plastic container at the back of the fridge might be acceptable – but in majority of cases – it isn’t.  In all seriousness, it could be a health risk, contaminating other foods in the vicinity.  Who knows what serious toxins it is releasing!?  Number one rule in a shared fridge – be prepared to say farewell and wave adieu to unclaimed and abandoned foods – bin it ASAP!  Except for chocolate… if no one claims that, surely that is an exception to the rule?

Tip 5: Food envy should not be acted upon

We’ve all experienced those moments of food envy where the waiter walks past us with a delicious dish that makes our mouths water, and instantly we feel a pang of regret for ordering the ‘other’ dish.  The same can often be said when we open the fridge to see that Walter from the Warehouse has brought in some amazing left over Indian with naan bread, while your own lunch consists of Cruskits with cheese and vegemite.  While the temptation to devour Walter’s lunch is very real, food envy should never be acted upon.  Although it may seem somewhat trivial, lunch stealing is frowned upon, especially by the ‘Walter’s of the world’ who were looking forward to devouring their own leftovers.

Tip 6:  Sharing is caring

If you’ve brought in a platter of leftovers or some amazing baked delights – let it be known.  Send an internal email or stick a post it note on the dish – sharing is caring after all!  New life forms can be avoided in the fridge crisper drawers if people know that it is a free for all.

Tip 7: Grumpy emails be gone

We can all recall those group emails referring to the food item that has taken on a life of its own in the dairy compartment.  Whose container is it?  Does anyone own the half-drunk Big M? How long has that blue cheese been in the fridge (was it always blue cheese)?  If we all remember the above simple tips and perhaps even label our lunches, then the owners of offending containers or out of date food items can easily be located and problems solved.  Of course nobody wants the chocolate to be labelled… that’s just finders keepers isn’t it?  All treasure chests should offer some rewards…