Roast Rib Eye Steaks with Corn, Bacon & Tomato Pasta Salad

  • PREP TIME 15 mins
  • COOK TIME 20 mins
  • SERVES 4 servings

300g dried orecchiette pasta
2 tbs olive oil
2 rashers bacon, diced
1 cob corn, husks & silks removed
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 sprig rosemary, finely chopped
250g cherry tomatoes, halved (mix of red and yellow)
½ cup basil leaves, leaves picked
2 x thick cut rib eye steaks (about 450g each) at room temperature
1 tbs grapeseed oil
sea salt & black pepper


Cook pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water according to packet instructions.

While the pasta is cooking, heat olive oil in a large frypan over medium heat. Cook bacon for 2-3 minutes until the edges begin to crisp and the fat has rendered out of the bacon. Slice the corn kernels away from the cobs and add to the bacon. Cook for 2 minutes until corn is tender. Add the garlic, rosemary and tomatoes and cook, stirring, for a further 1 minute until everything is combined. Drain pasta and add to frypan along with the basil leaves. Toss to combine and season with salt and pepper. Transfer to serving bowl and top with extra basil leaves.

Heat an oven-proof frypan over medium-high heat. Rub the steaks with grapeseed oil and season well with salt. Cook the steaks for 3-4 minutes a side until well caramelised. Transfer the frypan to the oven and cook for a further 8-10 minutes, or until the internal temperature reads 55°C on a meat thermometer. Remove steaks from the frypan to a plate. Cover loosely with foil and rest for 5-10 minutes. The internal temperature of the steak will continue to rise as it rests to about 60°C which is perfect for a medium steak.

To serve, cut the bone away from the meat and thickly slice the steak across the grain. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle over any pan juices. Serve with pasta salad.

Recipe, Food Styling and Photography by Karen McFarlane,